Individual Society Web Pages

(Societies wishing to have an individual page should apply to the FRMS Secretary (07980 070198) or the Website Manager)

Alnwick RMS
Barnsley RMS
Barrow CMS
Berlioz Society
Blackpool & Fylde RMS
Bristol & West Friends of Welsh National Opera
Cardiff RMS
Carnoustie RMS
Carshalton & Wallington RMS
City of London Phonograph & Gramophone Society
Comrie & St Fillans Music Circle
Cromer Society
Eastbourne RMS
Elgar Society
Forest RMS (Highams Park. E4)
Great Yarmouth RMC
Harrow MC
Haslemere RMS
Huddersfield Society
Leicester Music Society
Letchworth RMS
Loughborough RMS
Lowestoft RMS
Newcastle (Staffs) RMS
Newcastle upon Tyne RMS
Newport (IofW) RMS
Northampton RMS
Norwich Opera Club
Olton Society (Birmingham)
Orpington RMS
Oswestry RMS
Portslade RMS
Preston RMS
Putney Music
Ramsbottom RMS
Recorded Vocal Arts Society
Ripley CMG (Derbys)
Rochdale GS
Ruislip GS
Salisbury RMS
Solihull RMC
Southampton RMS
Stafford Society
Stirling RMS
Wagner Society (Manchester)
Waltham Forest Music Society
West Wickham RMS
Weston Super Mare
Wharfedale RMS
York Society

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