is the amount of cover? £5,000,000.
is covered?
The Federation and its member societies, and whose details have been lodged
with the Insurers. The Federation will not include details of any member
society that chooses not to pay its contribution.
is covered?
Legal liability in respect of claims (including costs) arising out of
(a) accidental injury to any person (this would include death); (b) accidental
loss of or damage to material property and (c) accidental obstruction,
trespass or nuisance. Anything done with the intention of causing injury
etc would not be included.
is "material" property?
In general other people's property. Property owned or hired by a
society or one of its members or in general in its or his/her custody
or control is not included. Societies should make their own arrangements
to insure their equipment etc if they so wish.
individual members of societies covered?
Yes. Cover is extended to officials, members, leaders, instructors and
visitors. This is, of course, in respect of their legal liability - injury
to themselves is not directly covered but any injured person can pursue
a claim against those he/she believes responsible.
there specific exclusions?
Yes. Liability for (a) property deposited in cloakrooms and (b) arising
in connection with sponsored events, firework displays, bonfires, barbecues
and fetes. A society wishing to hold, for example, a summer barbecue should
take out its own cover.
about motor vehicles?
Liability arising from the use of motor vehicles is in general excluded.
Where, for example, societies arrange for members to be given lifts by
other members, liability will be covered by normal car insurance provisions.
is the excess deductible in the event of any claim?
there responsibilities?
Yes. If anything happens which is or may be the subject of a claim, notice
must be given without unreasonable delay. The police must be informed
where appropriate. The usual conditions as to minimising losses and co-operating
with the insurers and suchlike apply. If a claim or possible claim arises,
seek guidance from the Federation.
if there is a requirement to produce evidence of cover?
This may sometimes arise. For example a Local Authority may request such
evidence if meetings are held on its premises. Where applicable, the Federation's
annual Certificate of Affiliation also includes a Certificate of Insurance.
This will suffice for most enquirers and has been accepted by many authorities
but if in doubt contact the Federation Treasurer who can either get confirmation
issued or questions answered by our broker, or else can make a copy of
the policy available for inspection and return.