To enrol as a Friend of the FRMS please go to File/Print at the top of this screen print out the form then fill in the details.

Name ..................................................................................................

Address ...............................................................................................



................................................. Postcode ..............................

Phone .................................................... E-mail .................................................

Signature ...............................................................................................

Remittance enclosed £5.50 for the calendar year starting 1st January 20..... If you already subscribe to the Bulletin please write the expiry date of your subscription in the space below. An adjustment will then be made to your next payment.


Additional Card

If you would like an additional membership card for a member of your household (living at the same address) please state that person’s name alongside yours above. The additional card is free of charge, but your subscription covers only one copy of each issue of the Bulletin etc

Regional Events

As a Friend of the FRMS you will automatically receive the Bulletin, Newsletter and details of the Music Weekend and AGM. If you would like additionally to receive details of regional events please indicate which region (please circle not more than two Regions).

North East
W Middlesex
W Surrey

Note: Your address details will be forwarded to the appropriate regional secretary/ies, but the FRMS Committee cannot guarantee a response from the region(s).

Local Contacts:
You may wish to share your contact details with other Friends in your area, but if you prefer not to do so your details will remain confidential and we will not send you information about others. Please indicate your preference below by deleting as necessary.

I wish/do not wish to share my contact details with other Friends.
Please send this form, with the appropriate payment to the scheme organiser,

Allan Child, 12 Highfield Road, Derby, DE22 1GZ.
Cheques should be made payable to FRMS. Please be aware that cheques may be held for some time before being paid into the FRMS account. Please also enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope, at least C6 size (16 × 11 cm) for your membership card(s) to be sent to you.

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