The Federation was formed in 1936 as a voluntary association of societies in the British Isles for the purpose of protecting their interests and furthering their aims. Twenty-three Societies originally affiliated - now the number is well over 100. Our main function is to manage licensing arrangements with Performing Right Society Ltd (PRS) and Phonographic Performance Ltd (PPL) for the licences necessary for performing recorded music in public, on terms favourable to our members. The fees are greatly reduced from those normally applied by these organisations for individual licences. A particular benefit of this arrangement is that it is the society itself that is licensed and not the premises. This means that the society is covered for PRS and PPL wherever it chooses to meet.

We have two levels of membership. An Affiliate signs up to the complete PPL/PRS package. An Associate member takes just whichever licence it requires, or maybe joins us for the other services that we offer. Optional services include participation in the Federation’s group insurance scheme to cover public liability for a modest premium, and graduated schemes for insurance cover for equipment.

Other services available to members are:

1) Free advice from the Federation’s honorary Technical Officer on all matters concerning equipment, and the technical side of the reproduction of recordings in all formats. Although information can be supplied by post, wherever practicable the Technical Officer will visit societies (for expenses only – no fee) to assist and evaluate problems in situ.

2) Access to a panel of lecturers of known provenance who provide presentations on a wide variety of musical subjects. In addition, visits from Federation Committee members, where practicable, can be arranged.

3) Advice on organization, planning, programmes, money-raising or any other topic on which a society requires guidance.
4) Establishment of contact between societies and potential members via the Federation’s Secretary, website and other publicity.

5) The option of publishing your society’s annual programme and/or special events on your own dedicated page on the Federation’s website.

6) A free copy of the Federation’s twice-yearly in-house magazine the Bulletin; additional copies are available for purchase for distribution or resale among members.

7) The opportunity to attend FRMS weekend music events. These weekends, although currently in abeyance, have been organised for a number years and provide ample opportunity for experiencing presentations beyond the scope of most individual affiliates, as well as meeting society members from other parts of the country to exchange views and make new friendships. Speakers over the years have included Sir David Willcocks, John Rutter, Michael Kennedy and the Master of the Queen’s Music, Judith Weir.

8) The possibility of benefiting from membership of a regional group. These groups have been formed voluntarily by affiliated societies in various parts of the country, and have been of great benefit to the societies concerned. One group, the Yorkshire and Northwest Regional Group is noteworthy for organising its own Music Weekend in the spring each year.

9) The opportunity to join Friends of the FRMS. This is intended for individual members no longer able to attend society meetings, although membership is open to anyone who wishes to join. Members receive a copy of the Bulletin, Newsletters and postal notification of forthcoming events.

Membership Fees
The Federation’s financial year extends from the 1st August to 31st July inclusive. Fees are due from 1st September each year, and are graduated according to size of membership.

For further details please contact the Federation Secretary at the registered office or by telephone or by Email

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